Monday, March 2, 2009

They are having conversation!!

What is a 9th grader?? Some would say a 9th grader is loud, boisterous, immature socialite that believe they are equal to the adult know-how of the world. In most cases I, or other RECHS teachers may agree with you, but recently I would differ on typical definitions of beginning high school students.
Our project, Understanding U, has enlightened me on the know-how's that our very young and energetic youth experience everyday. Our world is changing. Things that were distant in my life as a 9th grader, and are still distant today, have arrived in the lives of many young teenagers as if this is the "norm." Without going in to specific detail, I've had the great pleasure of watching our students exchange their "stories" with the trust that somehow the conversation they've engaged in will help others understand just who they really are. Our RECHS 9th graders, although at times are loud, boisterous, and immature, have been placed into a society where experience is everything. Sometimes my 9th graders experience more than I could imagine. With the gift of learning, I am able to understand their barrier and help work through or around it.
Our RECHS students are having conversations about who they really are! It's amazing and I hope this experience has been just as powerful for them as it has for me.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Student Excitement

This project has required quite a bit of research, but it was well worth it because I wanted this project to be meaningful to my students and community. I must say, I was nervous about introducing 'Understanding U' to all 80 students because I was going to share a personal story about my life. Usually students are ready for Seminar (application for life, college, and academic studies) to be over with because it's the end of the day and end of the week, but this past Friday was very surprising. My students welcomed my personal story. If they didn't share a personal story similar to mine, they empathized with me (Thanks to Mr. Hairston for sharing the meaning of empathy with our students.). My students were amazing with the introduction of this project. Today, Monday, February 16th, students were excited about sharing a story with their project partner. Some students asked if they could start today. I've never had to tell a student they couldn't begin an assignment, that they needed to wait until Friday! What an amazing group of students we have at Rockingham Early College High School!!! Thanks to all my students for being sooooo wonderful!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Look at this example!!

Even Our Staff Will Participate!

Watch for some great stories from the staff.

We have started Planning!

Erica and Todd Drake have met to begin planning for the new Understanding U Project. Erica is working closely with Aspen Writer's Foundation to model our project after their successful efforts. Todd Drake is assisting with the art making portion of this project and will be sharing his own art. He will also help our students create successful works of art that help illustrate the student stories.